
Applications That Drive True Collaborative Workflow

Decisioning applications are collaborative by definition, integrating a range of user roles within a potentially complex business process.  The processes themselves typically reflect an optimized or required way of performing a function that has been developed by domain experts, but is intended for execution by a broad range of participants and external systems, each with their own roles and privileges.  Players must collaborate effectively to create, review, and deploy effective content.  Users accessing the content must collaborate to complete potentially complex workflow and these applications need to seamlessly integrate into pre-existing workflow automation systems.

Seamless Contribution from Experts, Reviewers, and User

For content-driven applications, the collaboration of players is also tightly integrated with the application and content development lifecycle.   Subject matter experts engage in working groups to define, develop and manage a wide range of decisioning processes and aggregate the associated knowledge and resources that should be available to users as they interact with the decisioning applications.    Reviewers with varying levels of content familiarity need to interact throughout the development and release cycle to validate content, uncover issues, and suggest enhancements.

Visually Modeled and Enabled Workflow

LogicNets facilitates these collaborative processes at different levels.  It allows a team of content “designers” to use workflow management to model their own application development processes, submitting new content for structured peer review and deployment into the field and supporting structured feedback and heuristic learning.  The applications themselves can be driven by visually modeled workflows where the organization defines which users interact with different process steps at different times and users have role-specific behavior based on their function and profile.