New LogicNets Features

Fall 2023

LogicNets Version 8.0 Released

LogicNets has released Version 8.0 of the LogicNets platform. This new release includes powerful new features for digital healthcare content integration and interoperability. It also represents a major internal infrastructure upgrade for the LogicNets platform, significantly enhancing security. The new version’s highlights include:​

  1. New modules to support the latest Healthcare interoperability standards through new healthcare informatics authoring and built-in FHIR data export features. (Note that these modules are being released in beta mode as we continue receiving field validation across a range of scenarios before finalizing functionality.) ​
  2. Significant security improvements thanks to upgrades of the underlying software infrastructure (including an upgrade to the latest version of the embedded LUA scripting language). ​
  3. Run-time support for the popular Ubuntu variant of Linux​
  4. New Designer options and parts for optimizing authoring of decision content​

Following are additional notes on the new version’s key enhancements. For complete information about Version 8.0, see the release notes here.​

1. Healthcare Integration and Interoperability

Digital Healthcare Content authors using LogicNets will benefit greatly from two new modules that are available (currently in beta) as add-on components within the LogicNets architecture.

Healthcare Informatics. The new Informatics module expands the LogicNets Designer’s parts editors so that healthcare informatics code sets can be directly entered and easily associated with data objects within the author’s data model. Informatics are thereby used as key metadata components in matching modeled data and logic concepts to health information. This applies both for data entering the system and the application-generated results, whether displayed on screen, incorporated into documents or included in structured output such as FHIR, XML, etc.

FHIR Export. With the FHIR Export Module, LogicNets application results can automatically be generated as FHIR documents that can be exported from the system and executed by the wide range of run-time programs that support the FHIR format.

2. Security Infrastructure Updates

Version 8 brings improvements to system security as a result of major updates to internal infrastructure. In particular, LogicNets uses the LUA high-performance scripting language as a key component for internally rendering decision and application logic. Version 8 is now based on the latest version of LUA which introduces a range of new capabilities and advantages, particularly in the area of security. A range of other embedded components were also updated to ensure full compliance with SOC2 and other data security standards. ​

3. New Designer Parts and Tools

Version 8 introduces a range of new capabilities to expand and streamline concepts that can be modeled and managed in the Designer. A sample of features anticipated by users from previous versions includes:

  • Enhanced list editors allow users to more easily setup and modify Radio Buttons, Checklists, and Dropdown options including the ability to drag and drop elements to quickly re-order options.
  • New IS NULL and IS NOT NULL rule operators expand on the prior use of “” to indicate objects without a currently assigned value.
  • New Process Node “App Dev” and “Users” menu options for designers accessing features more focused on modeled application behavior than modeled content.
  • UCUM (units of measurement) options are now available allowing data objects to be defined with specified units of measurement from the UCUM standardized list of units for a range of industries and disciplines.
  • Enhanced change management now extending change tracking beyond LogicNets nodes to all entities associated with a project including the full range of resources such as linked content, data tables, and HTML templates and CSS style sheets​.

4. Linux Ubuntu Support

The LogicNets Version 8 run-time engine has been enhanced to run on the popular Ubuntu variant of Linux. Customers running at large scale naturally seek to reduce operational costs by using low-cost, high-performance Linux platforms. Ubuntu has progressively become a preferred Linux distribution with over 33% market share. Now various LogicNets customers will be deploying their published LogicNets applications on Ubuntu-powered servers.

Get More Information

Release 8.0 includes many other new enhancements and changes. There are also a number of caveats and additional areas of guidance that users will want to know about as they bring their pre-existing applications up on the new version. The features and additional information can be reviewed in the release notes as posted on the LogicNets Community Portal.